Remotix HTTP API
Starting with version 6.2.5, Remotix supports HTTP API for automating of most common routine tasks. This helps make things like regular password change on a bunch of remote computers much easier.
HTTP API is disabled by default and has to be enabled in Remotix settings.
Sample Python scripts to work with API can be downloaded here.
HTTP API uses JSON encoding in requests and responses. In case of the success, HTTP 200 OK is returned. In case of error, HTTP status codes of 4xx are returned.
Here is the list of commands to be performed via API:
Working with groups:
Get a list of groups:
GET /groups
Get a list of items in the group:
GET /group/<group_uid>
Get the list of the connections in NEARBY pane:
GET /nearby
Create group:
PUT /group/
{ name: "New name" }
{ group_uid: "0123-CDEF" }
Update the name of the existing group:
PUT /group/<group_uid>
{ name: "New name" }
Delete a group:
DELETE /group/<uid>
Working with connections:
Create a single connection:
PUT /connection/
{ name: "New connection name", category_uid: "0123-CDEF" }
{ uid: "4567-89AB" }
Update an existing connection:
PUT /connection/<uid>
{ name: "New connection name", category_uid: "0123-CDEF" }
Update a connection's credentials:
PUT /connection/<uid>/credentials
NEAR: { "rxp.username": "new_username", "rxp.password": "new_password" } RDP: { "rdp.username": "new_username", "rdp.password": "new_password", "rdp.domain": "new_domain" } Apple Screen Sharing: { "apple.username": "new_username", "apple.password": "new_password", }
Delete a single connection:
DELETE /connection/<uid>
Delete connection credentials:
DELETE /connection/<uid>/credentials
Working with cloud computers:
Get the main settings of a cloud computer
GET /computer/<computer_id>
Get a list of actions available for a given cloud computer
GET /computer/<computer_id>/actions
Get a list of configured connections for a given cloud computer:
GET /computer/<computer_id>/connections
Get settings of a specific connection of the cloud computer:
GET /computer/<computer_id>/<connection_type>[_<port>]
GET /computer/123456/VNC
GET /computer/123456/RDP_3390
GET /computer/123456/NEAR
Get credentials of one of the connections of cloud computer:
GET /computer/<computer_id>/<connection_type>[_<port>]/credentials
Update a cloud computer’s main settings (name + groups it belongs to):
PUT /computer/<computer_id>
{ name: "New computer name", category_uid: "0123-CDEF" }
Update cloud computer connection:
PUT /computer/<computer_id>/<connection_type>[_<port>]
{ key: <value> }
Note that only specified fields are overridden. To delete the corresponding field (and effectively set it to the default value) use 'null' as value.
Delete a cloud computer:
DELETE /computer/<computer_id>
Note: this will remove the computer from your Hub and remove you as a user from a Trusted Users list on this computer.
Delete computer's connection settings:
DELETE /computer/<computer_id>/<connection_type>[_<port>]
Delete computer's connection credentials:
DELETE /computer/<computer_id>/<connection_type>[_<port>]/credentials
Initiate connect to an existing connection:
ACTION /connection/<uid>/connect
Initiate connect to a remote cloud computer:
ACTION /computer/<computer_id>/<connection_type>[_<port>]/<action>
ACTION /computer/<computer_id>/chat
ACTION /computer/<computer_id>/NEAR/control
ACTION /computer/<computer_id>/NEAR/curtain
ACTION /computer/<computer_id>/NEAR/observe
ACTION /computer/<computer_id>/NEAR/ft
ACTION /computer/<computer_id>/VNC[_<port>]/control
ACTION /computer/<computer_id>/RDP[_<port>]/control